About Us Brisbane

Our Promise

Our Promise is to help you arrange or plan a funeral with care, respect, clarity, & reassurance. Our team of professionals are here to listen, advise & guide you through all of your options. Our understanding & experienced staff are committed to ensuring that when you say that last goodbye, it will be an occasion to remember.

Rowan Steer

Rowan Steer

General Manager

Julian Birkinshaw

Julian Birkinshaw

Location Manager / Multi Cultural Funeral Director

Julian commenced in the Funeral Industry in 1999, during that time he has served in several companies at different levels.

He has utilised his entire career to uphold the highest principles of funeral care and training his co-workers in the same high standards.

He has dedicated himself to serving countless families and individuals who have experienced loss, while providing them with a comfortable atmosphere of compassion and professionalism.

With these ideals, Julian constantly strives for these premier standards to continue. A persistent advocate for the communities of the wider Brisbane area, whilst taking a particular interest in the Vietnamese and Samoan communities of the western suburbs.

Jennifer Stangret

Jennifer Stangret

Funeral Director / Accounts Personnel

I believe every funeral or memorial should reflect the individuality of the person your loved one was in life. Hi, my name is Jenny, I have only been in the funeral industry for a few years, but I developed an empathy for grieving families early on in life after losing my father and aunt and many more loved ones along the way. This led me to pursue a position in the industry so I can help guide families through the often-unknown steps and details after someone they care for passes away.

I understand what it’s like to feel numb with grief, so I would be honoured to support you every step of the way when you need it most.

I’m deeply committed to delivering a dignified and personal service. I’ll take the time to understand what made your loved one so special and what their loss means to you. I want to know about their interests, personality traits and any quirky characteristics that made them unique. I’ll offer suggestions and give you my complete dedication by taking care of every detail when you entrust your loved one into my care.

Karen Mai

Karen Mai

Vietnamese Funeral Specialist

Karen Mai just joined our team. Karen has been with the Vietnamese Community for more than 30 years and is currently supporting families to organise a dignified and meaningful Vietnamese Funeral for a loved one. Karen has been studying and speaking Vietnamese for years.

Karen respects and understands that there are many cultural and religious traditions including Buddhism, Caodaism, Catholics and Christians in the community and will help you say goodbye to relatives in a good way. Karen will help the family play an important role in shaping a ritual, honouring the traditional and basic customs of any Vietnamese ritual.



Maori Funeral Specialist / Funeral Director

Kia Ora, Talofa, Malo my name is Shinae and I have been in the funeral industry 3+ years. My journey started in New Zealand as a Funeral Director’s Assistant where I quickly worked towards personally caring for families. I recently moved to Australia and when I’m not at work I’m usually out exploring my new backyard with my beautiful children. I am a devoted Mum of 5 and love to show my children what the world has to offer them.

Having lost my brother tragically in 2013, I deeply understand grief and how difficult it is saying goodbye to a loved one. The biggest heartbreak of my life guided me into a career change, and I am now honoured to be able to guide other families through the turbulent and difficult process of arranging a loved one’s funeral.

I have Māori heritage, and whakapapa to Te Aroha. My career and skill set, combined with my expertise in traditional Māori services, enable me to provide a variety of services. I deeply value culture and can cater to all religions and beliefs to ensure all loved ones are honoured in their passing. I am also able to provide suggestions and solutions to families to ensure they are aware of all options available to them throughout the process.

I believe it is an honour to take care of a loved one and I pride myself on providing a unique and meaningful service for each family I help. I take measures to always ensure my services are dignified and honourable for all and ensure that every small detail is taken care of when your loved one is entrusted into my care.

Paul Agresta

Paul Agresta

Funeral Director / Mortician

Hi there, my name is Paul Agresta. I was born and grew up in regional NSW, moved to Sydney and then Canberra before settling with my family for the last couple of years in Armidale in the New England Region of Northern NSW. We moved to Brisbane to be closer to our broader family and have only been here a short time.

Once I moved to Queensland, after coming from years of being in a rewarding career in nursing and people management, where I demonstrated a true understanding of listening to my patients and my team, I showed compassion, empathy and sympathy for those in need, I made the decision that I wanted to continue helping people, and I entered the funeral industry and began working
for Premier Funerals.

As we all walk different paths through life and beyond, I will offer suggestions, I will also ensure that your voice is heard and commit to giving you and your loved one the upmost respect and professionalism during this difficult time.

I believe it is an honour and privilege to be entrusted to take care of your loved one, to show your loved one the respect, dignity and individuality they deserve. To work with families although at a time of grief to ensure that there
is a celebration of life and memories are cherished.

Thank you
those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear

Debb Campain

Debb Campain

Funeral Director

Debb has been with Premier over 10 years and in that time has helped many families with her kind and caring manner.

Debb always takes the time to listen, to understand and ensure the family’s wishes, religious and cultural practices are included in the service Premier provides. She offers advice with empathy, respect and dignity.

Debb mostly works at Heritage Park Crematorium which is part of the Premier Funeral Group, where along with arranging funerals, she assists families with memorials and other needs.

Debb’s whole working life has been dedicated to caring for others. Starting her career as a children’s nurse, before moving on to the aged care and disability sector and now with Premier Funerals.